Things as they are

From “The Man with the Blue Guitar” by Wallace Stevens (1879-1955), a fragment from part XIV.

“…A candle is enough to light the world,

It makes it clear. Even at noon

It glistens in essential dark.

At night, it lights the fruit and wine,

The book and bread, things as they are.”

For those interested, the complete Wallace Stevens poem inspired, in the seventies, the series of etchings “The Blue Guitar” by David Hockney – well worth to be seen.


Conchology, or shell collecting, is the practice of  finding and usually identifying the shells of mollusks, a popular avocation, or hobby, in many parts of the world.

I am not a collector of shells, but I admire their colours, shapes, textures and glaze. They are perfect subjects for still life images. Here are some photos of shells – far from being as beautiful as the originals.