Analog Photo Festival

My submitted six photos were accepted for the exhibition currently taking place. The subject was “Freedom”. Here they are

Two groups of friends, with a peaceful river or a flying bicycle

A boy trying to run from his family – and to escape from the limits of the photo

An open space to breathe – or simply to contemplate

And the “Shtandart” a modern replica of an ancient Russian vessel. I was told that she is forbidden to return to St Petersburg, from where she left years ago. She is sailing around the world, teaching nautical and sailing crafts to young people. Forced freedom, to some extent, not being allowed to return home…

This week-end , the Vinyl Market at Campo de Santa Clara, Lisbon. Good chance to find some good old 12’ LP records – and many memories. I found a few records I did not knew, and many others I had forgotten. Bad photo (made with a re-loaded disposable plastic camera).

A few findings. The Jimi Hendrix  Experience “Electric Ladyland” double LP (I had it forty years ago – someone stole it from me) and an album from  Marianne Faithfull (I have a soft spot for her songs – she could have had a different  life away from the shadow of Mick Jagger). Also a box with three LPs (Keith Jarret’s  solo concerts in Bremen and in Lausanne). A fruitfull Saturday